Case: PD-0795-89
PDR Case Type
Appellate Briefs
Date | Event Type | Description | Document |
11/27/1989 | BRIEF FILED | State | |
10/25/1989 | BRIEF FILED | Appellant | |
06/29/1989 | RESPONSE FILED | State | |
Case Events
Date | Event Type | Disposition | Document |
10/04/1991 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the mandate of a process | | |
10/04/1991 | MANDATE ISSD | | |
09/18/1991 | OPINION ISSD | Reversed COA; Remanded Trial Court | |
09/18/1991 | OPINION ISSD | Reversed COA; Remanded Trial Court | |
09/18/1991 | OPINION ISSD | Reversed COA; Remanded Trial Court | |
02/14/1991 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submitted of a process | | |
02/14/1991 | SUBMITTED | | |
01/30/1991 | MOTION | DENIED | |
01/29/1991 | MOTION FILED | | |
01/18/1991 | ORAL ARGUMENT IS RESET | | |
01/18/1991 | ORDER FILED | | |
04/11/1990 | SUBMITTED | | |
03/14/1990 | MOTION | Granted | |
03/14/1990 | MOTION FILED | | |
01/26/1990 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submission of a process | | |
01/26/1990 | SET FOR SUBMIS | | |
11/27/1989 | BRIEF FILED | | |
10/25/1989 | BRIEF FILED | | |
09/27/1989 | PDR GRANTED | | |
09/27/1989 | PDR DISP | Granted | |
09/27/1989 | PDR DISP | Granted | |
06/29/1989 | RESPONSE FILED | | |
06/05/1989 | PDR FILED | | |
06/05/1989 | PDR FILED | |
Set Date | Calendar Type | Reason Set |
10/04/1991 | STORED | CASE STORED |
Party | PartyType | Representative |
AMORES, JORGE | Applicant (writs)/Appellant's (cases) | Howard Sohn |
STATE OF TEXAS | State | John C. Vance |
Court of Appeals Information:
Aff 3-16-89
5th Court of Appeals
Trial Court Information
Criminal District Court 4 of Dallas County
Honorable Frances Maloney