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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Heading (S-18-0214)
Case Number:S-18-0214Case Docketed On:09/14/2018
Original Court:Second Judicial District Albany CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Criminal - Offenses Against the Person 6-2-101 - 6-2-509
Full Title:NATHAN DAVID BYRD, Appellant (Defendant), v. THE STATE OF WYOMING, Appellee (Plaintiff).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantNathan David Byrd Pro Se
AppelleeThe State of WyomingBridget L. Hill
Christyne Marie Martens

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Criminal Law -Guilty plea
Opinion Number:2019 WY 35

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
09/14/2018Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
09/14/2018Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
09/14/2018Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
10/26/2018Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
10/26/2018Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Extension of Time to File BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
10/26/2018Order Granting Appellant's Request for Extension to File BriefOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
12/17/2018Brief - AndersBriefAndersFinal
12/17/2018Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
12/17/2018Motion - Withdrawal of counselMotionWithdrawal of counselFinal
12/18/2018Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellant Pursuant to Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738 (1967); Motion for Extension of Time to File Pro Se Brief; and Motion to Withdraw as Counsel.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/18/2018Record - Received unfiled record from the Office of the State Public Defender, three volumes: Original Papers, Confidential File and Transcripts.RecordReceived unfiled recordFinal
12/18/2018Order - Grant Anders Extension pro se briefOrderGrant Anders Extension pro se briefFinal
01/16/2019(Byrd's) Motion to Withdraw Anders Brief and Request to File an Appeal Pro seMotionOtherFinal
01/18/2019Event - Phone Call from Christyne Martens. The AG will not be responding to Appellant's motionEventPhone CallFinal
01/29/2019Order Denying Motion to Withdraw Anders Brief and Order Granting Extension of Time to File Pro se BriefOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
03/15/2019Event - Phone Call from Dan Byrd, Nathan's father. He wanted to let us know that his son is/has mailed his pro-se brief and was concerned about it not getting to us today (the deadline) because of the storm. I told him as long as his brief was placed into the institution's mail system by today, we would accept it as timely filed.EventPhone CallFinal
03/18/2019Brief - Appellant (pro-se after Anders, timely filed per prisoner delivery rule). Appendices B, D & E are not redacted, and therefore not available on the public docket.BriefAppellantFinal
03/26/2019Event - Phone Call from Mr. Byrd's mother (Casey Liberty/not sure of spelling) She wanted to inform us that she is mailing CD's for his brief. She was told his brief was already filed and that this court did not review CD's. She will contact her son again. Stated that his stepmom has transcribed them as well. May need to file a motion to supplement his brief.EventPhone CallFinal
03/27/2019Opinion - Published Order Affirming the District Court's Judgment and SentenceOpinionPublished orderFinal
04/12/2019Notice-Outgoing - MandateNotice-OutgoingMandateFinal
04/12/2019Record - Returned unfiled record to the District Court Clerk (three volumes). Volume 1, Original Papers; Volume 2, Confidential Folder; Volume 3, Transcripts (6).RecordReturned unfiled recordFinal
04/12/2019Notice-Outgoing - Record return letterNotice-OutgoingRecord return letterFinal
04/12/2019Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal
04/16/2019Service - Certified mail signature return card - Record signed for 4/15/2019 by M. TrabingServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal