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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 36984
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A424797Classification:Civil Appeal - General - Other
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:02/08/2001 at 11:00 AMOral Argument Location:Carson City
Submission Date:02/08/2001How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
11/13/2000Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived. Returned, with letter, University of Nevada, Reno (check no. 1000206205) in the amount of $200.
11/13/2000Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Settlement. Notice re: settlement conference program/suspension of rules mailed to all counsel. 00-19778
11/13/2000TranscriptFiled Transcript. Proceedings: September 29, 2000. Court Reporter: Cathy Nelson. 00-19782
11/16/2000Transcript RequestFiled Certificate of No Transcript Request. 00-20087
11/16/2000MotionFiled Motion. Motion for Expedited Hearing. 00-20089
11/21/2000MotionFiled Response to Motion. Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Expedited Hearing. (filed via fax) 00-20471
11/22/2000MotionFiled Response to Motion. Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Expedited Hearing. (Original of fax filed on 11/21/00). 00-20553
11/22/2000Order/ProceduralFiled Order. Appellants have moved to expedite the briefing and disposition of this appeal. Respondent opposes the motion. Cause appearing, we grant the motion. The parties shall strictly adhere to the schedule as set forth in this order. Appellant shall file the docketing statement on or before December 1, 2000, and file the opening brief and appendix on or before December 11, 2000. Respondent shall file the answering brief and any supplemental appendix on or before January 12, 2001. Appellant's reply brief shall be filed on or before January 22, 2001. Extentions of this briefing schedule shall be permitted only upon demonstration of extreme need or merit. The clerk of this court shall schedule this appeal for oral argument before the en banc court on February 8, 2001, in Carson City. Argument shall be limited to 60 minutes. Fn1[In light of this order, we exempt this matter from the settlement conference program] (docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant). 00-20600
11/27/2000MotionFiled Motion for Permission to File Document. Request for Permission to file a Reply to the Opposition to Motion for Expedited Hearing. 00-20607
11/30/2000Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. 00-20890
12/06/2000Order/ProceduralFiled Order Denying Motion. As appellants' motion for an expedited hearing was granted on November 22, 2000, we deny, as moot, appellants' November 27, 2000, request for permission to file a reply. 00-21284
12/08/2000BriefFiled Opening Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 12/07/00. 00-21476
12/08/2000AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief. 00-21477
12/20/2000Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for 60 minutes in Carson City on February 8, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. (En Banc)
01/12/2001BriefFiled Answering Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 01/11/01. 01-00743
01/12/2001AppendixFiled Appendix to Answering Brief. 01-00745
01/22/2001BriefFiled Reply Brief. Mailed on: Hand delivered 01/22/01. 01-01411
01/24/2001Notice/OutgoingIssued Oral Argument Reminder Notice.
02/08/2001Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. EN BNAC-WM/CY/MS/DA/RR/ML/NB
03/09/2001Opinion/DispositionalFiled Authored Opinion. "Reversed." Before the Court En Banc. By the Court, Rose, J. We concur: Shearing, J., Agosti, J., and Becker, J. Maupin, C.J., with whom Young and Leavitt, JJ., join, dissenting. 117 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 19. En Banc. 01-04290
04/04/2001RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 01-04354
04/04/2001Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
05/11/2001RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on May 7, 2001. 01-04354