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United States Court Cases

Texas 3rd Court Of Appeals Record

Richard H. Anton and Hancock, Piedfort, Galton & McGill v. Kathy McGinley and the Estate of Bernie McGinley

Case: 03-94-00086-CV
Negligence tort, other
Richard H. Anton and Hancock, Piedfort, Galton & McGill
Kathy McGinley and the Estate of Bernie McGinley
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
03/30/2004Case file was destroyed per retention schedule
10/22/1996CASE STORED
12/28/1994Exhibits destroyed
10/26/1994Exhibits returned to the district or county clerk
10/05/1994Letter requesting pickup of exhibits
10/05/1994Mandate Issued
06/22/1994Motion for Dismissal DisposedMotion or Writ Granted
06/22/1994Opinion issuedDismissed
06/08/1994Motion for Dismissal Filed
05/18/1994Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
05/05/1994Mot. for Ext. to File Brief
04/06/1994Exhibits filed
04/06/1994Statement of Facts Filed
03/25/1994Supplemental Transcript filed
03/24/1994Mot for Ext Stat of Facts DispMotion or Writ Granted
03/08/1994Mot-Ext. to File Stat of Facts
02/25/1994Response requested (postcard)
02/18/1994Transcript Filed
02/18/1994Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
10/05/1994Case StoredCase stored
Mcginley, Estate Of BernieAppelleeMr. Albert A. Carrion Jr.
Ms. Richel Rivers
Anton, Richard H.AppellantMr. Robert D. Stokes
Hancock, Piedfort Galton & McAppellantMr. Robert D. Stokes
Mcginley, KathyAppelleeMr. Albert A. Carrion Jr.
Ms. Richel Rivers
Trial Court Information
98th District Court
Honorable John K. Dietz