Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
11/19/1999 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Frank J. Cremen--check no. 13862. | | |
11/19/1999 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. | | 99-11553 |
11/19/1999 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Leavitt. | | |
11/24/1999 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Larry J. Cohen. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts and docketing statement suspended pending further order of this court.) | | |
12/07/1999 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Shearing. Sat in district court proceedings. | | |
12/15/1999 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Maupin. Sat in district court proceedings. | | |
06/08/2000 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 00-09680 |
06/08/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Docketing Statement. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) Due Date: 15 days | | |
06/19/2000 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 00-10483 |
06/20/2000 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this appeal. Upon the filing of the docketing statement, this court shall conduct a preliminary jurisdictional review of this appeal. Appellant: 15 days to comply with NRAP 9(a); 120 days to file and serve opening brief and appendix. Briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). | | 00-10506 |
06/29/2000 | Transcript Request | Filed Certificate of No Transcript Request. | | 00-11131 |
10/16/2000 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. Mailed on: 10/13/00. | | 00-18307 |
10/16/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. | | 00-18308 |
10/26/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Errata. To Appellant's Opening Brief. Attached to back of Opening Brief. | | 00-18956 |
10/30/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Change of Address. | | 00-19122 |
11/08/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: December 15, 2000. | | 00-19672 |
12/11/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Second Request). | | 00-21618 |
12/13/2000 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Clerk's Order Granting Motion. Respondents' answering brief shall be served and filed on or before January 16, 2001. | | 00-21813 |
01/16/2001 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 01/12/01. | | 01-00848 |
01/16/2001 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. | | 01-00850 |
02/09/2001 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. | | 01-02685 |
02/09/2001 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Clerk's Order Approving Stipulation. Appellant's reply brief shall be served and filed on or before March 14, 2001. | | 01-02712 |
03/14/2001 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 03/13/01. | | 01-04561 |
07/17/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On January 16, 2001, respondents filed an answering brief and appendix. Our review of respondents' appendix indicates that four documents included in the appendix are not part of the district court record below. The documents entitled 'Substitution of Attorney' filed on March 27, 2001, in district court case no. A 213278; 'ORDER' filed on June 5, 1989 in district court case no. CV-S-89-34-PMP; and 'Answer to Amended Complaint' filed on March 21, 1998 in district court case no. A357937; and the unpublished opinion filed on July 23, 1990, in the United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, were filed in separate proceedings and were not considered by the district court below. Accordingly, this court will disregard any references or citations to the above documents that may be present in the briefs filed in this appeal. | | 01-12153 |
07/23/2001 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Amendment to Order of July 17, 2001. | | 01-12470 |
07/30/2001 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Opposition to Motion for Amendment to Order of July 17, 2001. | | 01-12869 |
08/14/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. filed July 23, 2001. We amend our July 17, 2001, order. This court will only disregard the documents entitled "Substitution of Attorney" filed on March 27, 2001, in district court case number A213278 and "ORDER" filed on June 5, 1989, in district court case number CV-S-89-34-PMP when taking this matter under consideration. | | 01-13870 |
08/23/2001 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Rose. | | |
10/30/2001 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for 30 minutes on December 10, 2001, at 10:30 a.m. in Carson City. (NNP02-CY/DA/NB) | | |
11/26/2001 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. | | |
12/10/2001 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. Before the Northern Nevada Panel. NNP02-MS/RR/NB. | | |
03/06/2002 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn15[We have considered Vranesh's claims related to issues of res judicata, due process violations and judicial delay in addition to both party's assertions regarding the necessity of sanctions pursuant to NRAP 28(a)(3) and (e). We conclude that these claims lack merit and do not warrant further discussion.] NNP02-CY/DA/NB | | 02-04085 |
04/02/2002 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 02-04162 |
04/02/2002 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
04/15/2002 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on April 4, 2002. | | 02-04162 |