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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Heading (S-15-0175)
Case Number:S-15-0175Case Docketed On:07/24/2015
Original Court:Fourth Judicial District Sheridan CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Criminal - Offenses Against Property 6-3-101 - 6-3-901
Full Title:MIRANDA ROSE MRAZ, Appellant (Defendant), v. THE STATE OF WYOMING, Appellee (Plaintiff).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantMiranda Rose MrazDiane M. Lozano
Tina N. Olson
Kirk Allan Morgan
AppelleeThe State of WyomingPeter K. Michael
David L. Delicath
Christyne Marie Martens
Caitlin Frances Harper

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Criminal Law -Counsel, Criminal Law -Jury Instructions, Criminal Law -Prosecutorial Misconduct, Criminal Law -Sufficiency of Evidence
Opinion Number:2016 WY 85
Citation:378 P.3d 280 (Wyo. 2016)

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
07/24/2015Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
07/24/2015Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
07/24/2015Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
08/25/2015Event - Phone Call from Clerk of District Court. When they notified us the record was complete, they didn't realize the trial transcripts were not completed and in the record. Public Defender will be requesting a stay until the transcripts are filed.EventPhone CallFinal
08/25/2015Motion - Stay - otherMotionStay - otherFinal
08/26/2015Event - Hardcopy received - Appellants Motion to Stay Briefing ScheduleEventHardcopy receivedFinal
08/27/2015Notice-Incoming - District Court Pleading - Copy of Motion to Extend Time to File Transcript filed August 25, 2015 requesting 30 day extension.Notice-IncomingDistrict Court PleadingFinal
08/28/2015Notice-Incoming - District Court Pleading - Order Extending Time to File TranscriptNotice-IncomingDistrict Court PleadingFinal
09/01/2015Order - Granting stay - Order Granting Motion to Stay BriefingOrderGranting stayFinal
10/02/2015Notice-Incoming - Second Motion to Extend Time to File TranscriptNotice-IncomingOtherFinal
10/05/2015Notice-Incoming - District Court Pleading - (Second) Order Extending Time to File TranscriptNotice-IncomingDistrict Court PleadingFinal
11/03/2015Event - Phone Call from Clerk of District Court. Transcripts have been filed. She will be sending a completion letter with an amended index.EventPhone CallFinal
11/05/2015Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district court and amended indexNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
11/05/2015Notice-Outgoing - Resuming briefing scheduleNotice-OutgoingResuming briefing scheduleFinal
12/16/2015Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
12/16/2015Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Extension of Time to File BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/16/2015Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
01/07/2016Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
01/11/2016Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Extension of Time to File BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/11/2016Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
02/03/2016Brief - AppellantBriefAppellantFinal
02/04/2016Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellant; and received Appellant's Designation of RecordEventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/22/2016Brief - AppelleeBriefAppelleeFinal
03/24/2016Notice-Outgoing - Deficient Brief/AppendixNotice-OutgoingDeficient Brief/AppendixFinal
03/25/2016Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee with appendix; and received copy of designation of record on appeal.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
04/07/2016Order - Oral argument scheduledOrderOral argument scheduledFinal
04/12/2016Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appealNotice-OutgoingRequest for transmitted record on appealFinal
04/12/2016Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Kirk A. Morgan obo AppellantNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
04/18/2016Notice-Incoming - Record transmittal notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord transmittal notice from district courtFinal
04/18/2016Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, 16 volumes. Volumes I - III - Original Pleadings; Volumes IV - XII - Transcripts; Volume XIII - Confidential Folder; Volumes XIV - XVI - ExhibitsRecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
04/18/2016Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filedNotice-OutgoingTransmitted record on appeal filedFinal
04/27/2016Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Caitlin Young obo AppelleeNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
05/17/2016Notice-Internal - Oral argument notice, argued before Chief Justice Burke, Justices Hill, Davis, Fox and Kautz (Kirk A. Morgan obo Appellant; Caitlin Young obo Appellee) and taken under advisementNotice-InternalOral argument noticeFinal
08/29/2016Opinion - Opinion and journal order affirming. Justice Hill writing for the court.OpinionOpinion and journal orderFinal
09/12/2016Petition - RehearingPetitionRehearingFinal
09/12/2016Brief In Support of Petition for RehearingBriefPetitionerFinal
09/12/2016Event - Hardcopy received - Petition for Rehearing and Brief in Support of Petition for RehearingEventHardcopy receivedFinal
09/16/2016Event - Phone Call, AG will not respond to PetitionEventPhone CallFinal
09/29/2016Order - Petition for rehearing - denyOrderPetition for rehearing - denyFinal
09/29/2016Notice-Outgoing - MandateNotice-OutgoingMandateFinal
09/29/2016Record - Record returned to district courtRecordRecord returned to district courtFinal
09/29/2016Notice-Outgoing - Record return letterNotice-OutgoingRecord return letterFinal
09/29/2016Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal
10/05/2016Service - Certified mail signature return cards (2) - Record signed for (undated)ServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal